Graduating today's modern arthritis patient
Graduating today's modern arthritis patient
Welcome to Arthritis Consumer Experts’ (ACE) newest education program, JointHealth™Education (or “JointHealth™ Ed”), specifically designed for you – the person recently diagnosed with arthritis or living with it for a while. This new education program is based on the latest research and will help you go from being a “student” of arthritis to full-fledged “graduate”, and help you in your role as leader of your health care team.
Because each of us learn at a different pace and through different educational tools, JointHealth™Ed helps people with arthritis learn from the comfort of their own home or over the work day lunch hour, through lessons, quizzes and “coaching” videos. When you complete each course, you graduate with a certificate and gain access to other fact-based resources and communities, further supporting and empowering you to be better prepared to self-manage your disease in partnership with your rheumatologist or family doctor.
When you successfully complete a JointHealth™ Ed course, you “graduate” and receive a certificate indicating you have the knowledge and communication tips you need to successfully prepare for your medical visit, talk to your health care provider about setting treatment goals and making an overall plan to manage and monitor your disease.
Welcome to Arthritis Consumer Experts’ (ACE) newest education program, JointHealth™Education (or “JointHealth™ Ed”), specifically designed for you – the person recently diagnosed with arthritis or living with it for a while. This new education program is based on the latest research and will help you go from being a “student” of arthritis to full-fledged “graduate”, and help you in your role as leader of your health care team.
Because each of us learn at a different pace and through different educational tools, JointHealth™Ed helps people with arthritis learn from the comfort of their own home or over the work day lunch hour, through lessons, quizzes and “coaching” videos. When you complete each course, you graduate with a certificate and gain access to other fact-based resources and communities, further supporting and empowering you to be better prepared to self-manage your disease in partnership with your rheumatologist or family doctor.
When you successfully complete a JointHealth™ Ed course, you “graduate” and receive a certificate indicating you have the knowledge and communication tips you need to successfully prepare for your medical visit, talk to your health care provider about setting treatment goals and making an overall plan to manage and monitor your disease.
Arthritis Consumer Experts
© 2003-2019 ACE Planning and Consulting Inc.
ACE thanks the Arthritis Research Canada (ARC) for its scientific review of JointHealth™
Arthritis Consumer Experts
© 2003-2019 ACE Planning and Consulting Inc.
ACE thanks the Arthritis Research Canada (ARC) for its scientific review of JointHealth™