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Canada’s trusted source for timely news and information on biosimilar biologics

Canada’s trusted source for timely news and information on biosimilar biologics


Since biosimilar biologics were first approved in the European Union (EU) in 2006, hundreds of thousands of EU patients with autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases have been using biosimilars with no compromise to patient safety, effectiveness or quality of care. Europe remains the global leader with over 50% of biosimilar utilization.[1]

More than 200 research studies exist looking at patients who have successfully policy transitioned from a TNF inhibitor originator biologic to its TNF inhibitor biosimilar biologic and show no health differences between patients. Here is the latest evidence and reading on biosimilars transitioning:

[1] Medicines for Europe infographic May 2022

Learn more about biosimilars transition research

Learn more about biosimilars transition research

Post marketing surveillance research

Post marketing surveillance research

Tracking the efficacy, safety and value to patients and the healthcare system of both originator biologics and their biosimilar biologics is important. Patients and their physicians rely on this "real-world data" when they are making treatment decisions.

What is real-world data?

What is real-world data?

There are many, varied definitions of “real-world data” (RWD). Essentially, RWD is a measurement of the efficacy of a medication after it receives approval by Health Canada, when prescribed and used in a practical, real-life setting that go beyond what is normally collected in pre-approval clinical trials and studies. RWD comes from various sources and includes patient data, data from clinicians, hospital data, data from payers and social data. Through its use, alongside traditional data sources (such as clinical trials), RWD has the potential to provide new insights into medicines and their effects in the context of different larger patient populations.

In the context of biosimilars, tracking the efficacy, safety and value to patients and the healthcare system of both originators and their biosimilars is important. Patients and their physicians rely on this “real-world data” when they are discussing and making treatment decisions.

When you are having a conversation about biosimilars as a treatment option with your health care professional or public or private drug plan, ask them about these important real-world data discussion points:

  • What has been your experience with prescribing biosimilars?
  • Are you satisfied they are a safe and effective treatment option for me? Why?
  • Does the biosimilar you are recommending to me have a patient support program?
  • Where can I find reliable, easy-to-read information on biosimilars?

Evidence and additional reading on biosimilars

Evidence and additional reading on biosimilars




insulin glargine


Learn  more about biosimilars transitioning

To stay informed, go to these sources for the latest research in North America and Europe: 

ACE thanks Arthritis Research Canada (ARC) for its scientific review of ACE and JointHealthTM information and programs.

Arthritis Consumer Experts
© 2000-2021

ACE thanks Arthritis Research Canada (ARC) for its scientific review of ACE and JointHealthTM information and programs.

This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here.

Arthritis Consumer Experts
© 2000-2021

ACE thanks Arthritis Research Canada (ARC) for its scientific review of ACE and JointHealthTM information and programs.

This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here.